Saturday, August 29, 2009


Today, the last Saturday before school starts again and I have to leave the days of summer behind, I decided to clean out and organize my dresser drawers.

I have kept too small clothes and underclothes that were in good shape in boxes under my bed or at the top of my closet for the last three plus years. Today I swapped out a lot of my larger clothes for these smaller sizes and I had a few revelations. First, the undershirts I've been wearing are a full four inches bigger than the smaller ones that have become more comfortable. That's a big difference, and I liked seeing it! The second discovery is that my drawers can hold more clothes now because the smaller size clothes take up less room. This is the best discovery of all. Last Christmas I kept thinking, why does it seem like I don't have any clothes to wear when my drawers are so full they won't even close? It turns out the clothes I wore last Christmas were the clothes of a person 70 lbs. heaver than the person I am today. And more fabric was needed to cover that person. So, in the space I now have 12 shirts, only 7 shirts used to fit. This is a great discovery indeed!

Yesterday I weighed in and did the ELG body composition analysis (idk what ELG stands for). The results were truly awesome. Not only did I lose 9 lbs last week (the weight gain of the prior weekend seems to be all water from my muscles holding on during the hike), I hit a new low. I haven't weighed this amount since mid 2006. I am down 69 lbs. from January 6, 2009. And I like that a lot!

The ELG reveals my percent body fat, my lean mass in pounds and my fat mass in pounds. It reflects my waist to hip ratio and all sorts of other facts. Don't think I didn't make a graph in excel to document visually my radical changes. Because I sure did!

Thanks for being part of this journey. I know that I could not do it without the help, love and support of friends and professionals who care about me.

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