The La Crescenta Ward Relief Society met on February 12, 2013 at a no-longer-called-Enrichment meeting. We talked about the power of selecting just one word to guide us for the year. The turn out at the event was great and the art work was Ah-MAZ-ing! We made vision boards!
From now on we will be holding class mainly on the blog and periodically in person. Here's what you need to know to get started:
Here is a link to the class announcement including supplies list. Please leave a comment if this link doesn't work and I'll put the supplies list on the blog.
Mark your calendars for future One Word group gatherings in 2013. We will meet at 7pm either my house or the church.
April 16
May 21
July 16
September 17
November 19
I also made some mini-canvases for you to decorate with your research and images of your word. There are three colors: black, gray, or brown. The canvases are meant to be put into a baseball card holder/page protector (on the supply list). We will use this card holder page protector at least 2 times during the year. Rather than all of us buying a packet of these, I am happy to buy one package and give out a few to everyone for a small charge (.50 for 2 page protectors and .50 for gas to get to the store and back...J) I'll start bringing these to church so look for me. The dimensions on the mini-canvases are 3.4" x 2.4".
Mine (is a little different) looks like this:
Our assignments so far are:
1 - January
Select a word (or let it select you) and do some leg work - look up the definition? what are some synonyms? what do you want to invite with this word? take a self-portrait. Find a quote or scripture that uses your word and write that out. Cut out the mini-canvases and put them in the page protectors. On the blank mini-canvases write your word or make some art that inspires you.
2 - February
Make a vision board! Christine Kane has an article on this, here. But basically all you do is cut pictures and words from magazines or the internet and put them together on a canvas or piece of paper in a way that inspires you. Cover it all with Mod Podge, gesso or gel medium and you're done! If you do it on a piece of 8.5" x 11" paper the next step is easy - just put it in a page protector and place it in your album - or cut it into 9ths using the dimensions of 3.4"x 2.4" and put your vision board in the back side of your baseball card page protector. If you don't want to cut up your finished work, make a scan of it, take a picture, or get a color copy in the 8.5x11" size and use that for your scrapbook binder.
Here is my completed vision board (I made a big one on a 20"x 24" canvas) and hung up in my studio.
On or about the first of every month I will send you an email inviting you to check out the new prompt for the month on the blog.
EXPERIMENT - do you own thing and make this personal to your journey. I can't wait to share the transformational power of One Word with you this year.
Questions? leave a comment below!
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